These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

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Published petitions

32,873 petitions

  1. Northallerton Traffic Congestion

    425 signatures


    425 signatures

  3. Say NO to stoppage of Heathrow runway alternation

    425 signatures

  4. termination of pedophiles parental rights

    425 signatures

  5. for local coucils to scan deceased cats and keep a log of all pickedup

    424 signatures

  6. Petition for Fair Choice of Telecommunications Provider and Access to Internet in Hull

    424 signatures

  7. Continuing Healthcare Funding Con

    424 signatures

  8. Ban the burqa

    423 signatures

  9. Save Brampton Little Theatre

    423 signatures

  10. save preston skreens isle of sheppy

    423 signatures

  11. GB for Deaflympics

    423 signatures

  12. Special needs nursery provision: full time not part time!

    423 signatures

  13. Government support for Liverpool Waters.

    423 signatures

  14. Rename Dartford Crossing the Dick Turpin Way

    423 signatures

  15. Establish & Resource One National Independent Panel Inquiry into Organised Institutional Child Abuse

    422 signatures

  16. The National Lottery should support Animal Charities

    422 signatures

  17. Nurses to sign fit notes (med3)

    422 signatures

  18. Zero rate VAT On Domestic Heating Oil

    422 signatures

  19. Remove Bishops from House of Lords

    422 signatures

  20. Make St George's Day a Public Holiday.

    421 signatures

  21. Police Prosecutions for Hillsborough

    421 signatures

  22. Option to put "None of The Above" on Ballot Paper

    421 signatures

  23. A Petition to make Vodafone pay their £6BN tax bill

    421 signatures

  24. Save Tickhill's Trees

    421 signatures

  25. Re Nationalise Water Companies

    420 signatures

  26. Reverse Britains anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian policies

    420 signatures

  27. Make MPs salaries a fixed multiplier of UK average wages

    420 signatures

  28. Referendum on Euthanasia

    419 signatures

  29. dronfield

    419 signatures

  30. Make basic First Aid a complusory part of a child's secondary school education.

    418 signatures

  31. Cheaper bus fares for young people

    418 signatures

  32. Provide defibrillators to every well populated public place in the UK

    418 signatures

  33. 'Hear My Voice Campaign' - Giving older and other more vulnerable patients respect & dignity

    418 signatures

  34. Save Devon Libraries

    418 signatures

  35. Make Manifestos Legally Binding

    417 signatures

  36. Better training for healthcare professionals for food allergies in children and babies

    417 signatures

  37. Prevent Metric Speed Limits and Road Signs. Stop Km/h on British Roads. Keep MPH

    417 signatures

  38. Door supervisors to be routinely issued with handcuffs and side-handled batons

    416 signatures

  39. Regulation of Independent Careers Advice

    416 signatures

  40. Tackling junk calls

    416 signatures

  41. Allow dying people to have enough pain relief to stop suffering

    416 signatures

  42. Train fines

    416 signatures

  43. Better Education On Consent and Rape Culture in U.K High Schools

    416 signatures

  44. Make A148 Lodge Hill (Upper Sheringham) safer

    416 signatures

  45. Legal proceedings against IRA man John Downey.

    415 signatures

  46. Remove Cupars South Road traffic island.

    415 signatures

  47. Ban the use of metaldehyde (used in slug pellets) for domestic and agricultural use

    415 signatures

  48. Clear mandatory front of pack labelling of non-UK produced meat and eggs or products containing them sold in all UK retail and food outlets

    415 signatures

  49. Giving Deaf children a fair chance

    414 signatures

  50. A new minister for autistic spectrum disorder people

    414 signatures

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