Other lists of petitions
All petitions
1,638 petitions
Call a General Election
3,041,150 signatures
Close the borders! Suspend ALL immigration for 5 years!
212,480 signatures
Introduce a compensation scheme for WASPI women
155,490 signatures
Don't change inheritance tax relief for working farms
148,667 signatures
Tighten the rules on political donations
135,586 signatures
Introduce 16 as the minimum age for children to have social media
125,823 signatures
Don't apply VAT to independent school fees, or remove business rates relief.
114,536 signatures
Decriminalise Abortion
88,966 signatures
Apply for the UK to join the European Union as a full member as soon as possible
86,901 signatures
Limit the sale and use of Fireworks to licence holders only
85,707 signatures
Ban driven grouse shooting
60,809 signatures
Reverse changes to Winter Fuel Payment
59,595 signatures
End the Badger cull and adopt other approaches to bovine TB control
53,473 signatures
Make breaking a manifesto against the law and trigger a General Election
47,161 signatures
Raise the income tax personal allowance from £12,570 to £20,000
46,015 signatures
Referendum on changing the Electoral System To Proportional Representation (PR)
40,321 signatures
Raise the standard tax-free Personal Allowance to £45,000
38,729 signatures
Fund free TV licences for all pensioners
38,497 signatures
Exempt all social care providers from the employer NIC increase
36,973 signatures
Allow parents to take their children out of school for up to 10 days fine free.
36,270 signatures
Ban fossil fuel advertising and sponsorship
35,798 signatures
End the use of cages and crates for all farmed animals
34,790 signatures
Create path to Settlement for Ukrainians in the UK
32,233 signatures
Require labelling of beef & dairy from cows fed with additives to reduce methane
31,937 signatures
Abolish the tv licence
31,730 signatures
Abolish Non-Crime Hate Incidents
26,896 signatures
Create a public consultation on freedom of speech and disinformation
22,900 signatures
Run a public information campaign on the climate crisis
22,515 signatures
Give State Pension to all at 60 and increase it to equal 48hrs at Living Wage
20,922 signatures
Ban non-stun slaughter in the UK
20,596 signatures
Repeal the Climate Change Act 2008 and Net Zero targets
17,453 signatures
Reverse Cadet Forces Funding Cuts by Min of Defence and the Dept of Education.
16,487 signatures
Extend free bus travel for people over 60 in England
14,854 signatures
Update the dangerous dogs act to specifically protect horses
14,454 signatures
An independent evaluation of the Cass review on child gender services
14,293 signatures
Hold a referendum to decide if the UK should leave the ECHR.
14,066 signatures
Require all businesses and public services to accept cash payments
13,892 signatures
Prohibit publishers irrevocably disabling video games they have already sold
13,527 signatures
Stop Means Testing Pensioners and increase the State Pension
13,507 signatures
Do not stop transgender people from receiving care in mainstream hospital wards
13,191 signatures
Allow BN(O)s ETA-free entry
12,088 signatures
Reinstate release of certain serious offenders half-way through their sentence
11,484 signatures
Review decision to cede sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius
11,452 signatures
Allow carers already in UK on sponsored visa to work for any CQC care provider
11,299 signatures
Make GCSE exams free for home educated children under 18
10,800 signatures
Provide day 1 financial support to parents caring for a seriously ill child
10,658 signatures
Ban animal testing for human products and medicines
10,492 signatures
Change requirements for ILR for those who have graduated and worked for 3 years
9,511 signatures
Require MPs proven to mislead public to resign and create 'fact check' committee
8,861 signatures
Stop DWP repeating PIP assessments for disabled people
8,712 signatures