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1,393 petitions

  1. Make it illegal to use "enriched" cages in farming

    25 signatures

  2. Require all Family Law Professionals to have training on neurodivergence

    35 signatures

  3. Require licences for all air guns, including bb guns, and knives

    22 signatures

  4. Replace RE with 'Equality and acceptance' in the national curriculum

    14 signatures

  5. 2-year ILR spouse visa route for all long-term residents on prior visas

    29 signatures

  6. Immediately remove FATCA reporting requirements on UK financial institutions

    45 signatures

  7. Stop the DVLA selling information to private companies

    34 signatures

  8. Fund more support for fathers in family courts

    57 signatures

  9. Ban service charges on houses

    26 signatures

  10. Establish a bank holiday on the Monday after Remembrance Sunday

    214 signatures

  11. Fund support for elderly or unwell parents who are carers for disabled children

    142 signatures

  12. Provide funding for nit nurses to visit schools

    20 signatures

  13. Stronger Product Safety & Copyright protection on Non-UK E-Commerce Platforms

    32 signatures

  14. Ban shops that aren’t registered vape shops from selling vaping products

    32 signatures

  15. Grant free British citizenship to Europeans with settled status

    15 signatures

  16. Grant £10K per year to small retailers facing losses from shoplifting

    230 signatures

  17. Change cold weather payments so it's a daily payment

    16 signatures

  18. Create a specific offence to prevent harassment of people breastfeeding

    34 signatures

  19. Provide funding to make more NHS dentists available

    246 signatures

  20. Require companies to provide information about supply chains for all products

    26 signatures

  21. Require care homes to have a 1 to 5 staff to resident ratio

    21 signatures

  22. Repeal the Investigatory Powers Act

    68 signatures

  23. Ban online sales of cameras disguised as household items

    27 signatures

  24. Ban state schools from making Religious Studies a mandatory GCSE subject

    18 signatures

  25. Distinguish pets from other types of property in civil and family proceedings

    2,102 signatures

  26. Make burning, desecration or harming religious books a specific criminal offence

    14 signatures

  27. Ban the sale of secondhand and unroadworthy cars to underage drivers

    537 signatures

  28. Establish a Royal Commission on assisted dying

    108 signatures

  29. Require candidates for MP to be registered to vote and residents of the UK

    385 signatures

  30. Grace period for UK Tax Residents to Report Worldwide Income and Assets

    13 signatures

  31. Make illegal to drive off after hitting any animal or wildlife without reporting

    26 signatures

  32. Negotiate UK-wide recognition of older person's bus passes

    107 signatures

  33. Amend planning regulations to help enable commercial on-site living spaces

    12 signatures

  34. Strengthen law on tortoise breeding, ownership and imports

    19 signatures

  35. Require air-freighted produce to be labelled as such

    12 signatures

  36. Raise the 20% tax bracket to £20,000 and 40% tax bracket to £80,180

    37 signatures

  37. Require food establishments to have adrenaline autoinjectors readily available

    19 signatures

  38. Launch a public enquiry into Veterans UK

    1,351 signatures

  39. Mandate life with minimum 40-year tariff for murder if the body is dismembered

    49 signatures

  40. Government to only issue contracts to organisations that have a DEI policy

    41 signatures

  41. Extend universal credit payments to cover 53 week rent years

    34 signatures

  42. Create a new national agency specifically dealing with anti-social behaviour

    15 signatures

  43. Review marginal cost pricing and energy bills

    18 signatures

  44. Take action to improve waiting times for access to work applications

    275 signatures

  45. Review law around consent and disclosing sex or trans identity

    36 signatures

  46. End the Injustice: Grant British Nationals (Overseas) Full UK Citizenship

    5,131 signatures

  47. Improve regulations of holiday rental properties

    28 signatures

  48. Make it legal responsibility for homeowners to maintain property exteriors

    17 signatures

  49. Reintroduce the dog licence for dog owners

    45 signatures

  50. Review the curriculum to prioritise practical skills

    18 signatures

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