We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

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All petitions

605 results

  1. Form Cross Party Emergency Government to deal with Covid 19 then GE with PR

    1,150 signatures, now closed

  2. Seek to join the European Single Market and the European Free Trade Association

    1,114 signatures, now closed

  3. Abolish the 5% VAT applied to domestic gas and electric bills.

    1,079 signatures, now closed

  4. Seek to agree freedom of movement in the UK and EU for British and EU citizens

    863 signatures, now closed

  5. Secretary of State for Northern Ireland To Call A Border Poll

    851 signatures, now closed

  6. Investigate the legality of pushing back boats seeking to enter the UK illegally

    827 signatures, now closed

  7. Guarantee automatic right to stay for EU citizens

    754 signatures, now closed

  8. Hold a referendum on creating a Devolved Parliament for Northern England

    717 signatures, now closed

  9. Add HGV Drivers to the UK Government Shortage Occupations List

    682 signatures, now closed

  10. Extend the transitional phase of Brexit by one year, to 31.12.21

    641 signatures, now closed

  11. Ensure that EHIC will remain available to UK citizens after The UK leaves the EU

    630 signatures, now closed

  12. Weekly briefing on the tangible benefits of Brexit

    592 signatures, now closed

  13. Run a multiple choice referendum on the UK's relationship with the EU #Brexit

    559 signatures, now closed

  14. In Brexit talks negotiate for continued EU single market membership for the UK

    546 signatures, now closed

  15. Fund a monument to celebrate Brexit

    487 signatures, now closed

  16. Introduce AU PAIR VISAS to allow Au Pairs from Europe easy entry to the UK

    460 signatures, now closed

  17. Require prominent labelling for halal and kosher certified items

    427 signatures, now closed

  18. Do not weaken river pollution rules

    407 signatures, now closed

  19. Stop all post Brexit payments to the EU

    375 signatures, now closed

  20. Decrease the Foreign Aid budget once we have left the EU.

    375 signatures, now closed

  21. Home fee status for EU students in UK after August 2021

    349 signatures, now closed

  22. Legislate that the National Health Service cannot be part of any trade deal.

    349 signatures, now closed

  23. End the transition period NOW in bid to save UK from EU economy fall out.

    346 signatures, now closed

  24. Keep metric measurements and do not reintroduce imperial measurements

    307 signatures, now closed

  25. Complete the changeover to the metric system

    303 signatures, now closed

  26. Extend Skilled Worker visas to non-managerial hospitality workers

    295 signatures, now closed

  27. Maintain home fee status and access to Student Finance for EU students.

    280 signatures, now closed

  28. Give £14k pay rise to all NHS workers pursuant to the Brexit bus's £350m figure

    273 signatures, now closed

  29. Hold a referendum on the Refugee Convention referendum at the general election

    257 signatures, now closed

  30. Pass a law for no referendums on the constitution for at least 30 years

    237 signatures, now closed

  31. Seek to rejoin the EU pet passport scheme

    226 signatures, now closed

  32. Fund Orthopaedic Prosthetics For Patients Paying for Surgery

    210 signatures, now closed

  33. Stop calling Brexit a "Democratic decision"

    198 signatures, now closed

  34. No extensions to the Brexit transition period

    173 signatures, now closed

  35. Legalise the Sale of oral snuff/Snus

    169 signatures, now closed

  36. Hold an inquiry into Russian interference in UK democracy

    164 signatures, now closed

  37. Reverse import duties on goods brought from the EU as of January 1 2021

    151 signatures, now closed

  38. Mandatory testing for hereditary conditions for breeding dogs

    137 signatures, now closed

  39. Seek to rejoin the EU Pet Passport scheme

    133 signatures, now closed

  40. Introduce a 'one off' bank holiday after covid-19 pandemic to boost morale.

    133 signatures, now closed

  41. Amend the Immigration Bill to ensure non-UK care workers can be recruited

    119 signatures, now closed

  42. Introduce a threshold of 60% for referendums to be successful

    110 signatures, now closed

  43. Work internationally to create fully digital animal export/import certification

    105 signatures, now closed

  44. Increase the success criteria for all future referendums to 60% of the vote

    105 signatures, now closed

  45. Ban long distance live transportation of animals for slaughter

    99 signatures, now closed

  46. Give pre-settled EU students access to home fees

    96 signatures, now closed

  47. Negotiate and agree with the EU to ease access of UK Musicians to tour Europe.

    93 signatures, now closed

  48. Make it free to train as a nurse.

    92 signatures, now closed

  49. Negotiate a working holiday visa agreement with France

    91 signatures, now closed

  50. Remove citizenship fees for people born in the UK and from long term residents.

    86 signatures, now closed

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