We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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All petitions

1,716 results

  1. Ban commercial donkey rides and donkey hire

    4,264 signatures, now closed

  2. Make it mandatory for all dogs to be on leads on public rights of way.

    4,091 signatures, now closed

  3. Stop the sale of fireworks to the general public.

    4,073 signatures, now closed

  4. Compulsory home checks and abusers database to protect animals

    3,832 signatures, now closed

  5. End breed specific legislation

    3,827 signatures, now closed

  6. Mandatory Lessons on Animal Slaughter in Schools

    3,772 signatures, now closed

  7. Require a minimum size for hutches and cages for animals

    3,655 signatures, now closed

  8. Ban the Separation of Calves From Their Mothers and the Killing of Male Calves

    3,589 signatures, now closed

  9. Ban the sale of plastic flying ring toys to help protect seals

    3,564 signatures, now closed

  10. Pressure Chinese & Korean governments to end slaughter of cats & dogs for meat

    3,346 signatures, now closed

  11. Ban Slaughter and Breeding of Innocent Animals for food

    3,290 signatures, now closed

  12. Make any sexual contact with an animal a criminal offence

    3,289 signatures, now closed

  13. Incorporate wildlife tunnels in the HS2 plans to mitigate ecological damage

    3,269 signatures, now closed

  14. Regulate wildlife food so it’s safer for hedgehogs, and all mammals & birds

    3,243 signatures, now closed

  15. Put a ban on factory farming

    3,029 signatures, now closed

  16. Country Of Origin Labelling should be compulsory on all imported food

    2,974 signatures, now closed

  17. Stop the sale of live animals in pet stores & require them to link with rescues.

    2,865 signatures, now closed

  18. Introduce a national fishing line recycling scheme

    2,760 signatures, now closed

  19. Ban battery rabbit farming

    2,756 signatures, now closed

  20. Create a wildlife corridor in place of HS2

    2,741 signatures, now closed

  21. Increase rights to protect property such as racing pigeons from wild birds

    2,721 signatures, now closed

  22. Remove pack of hounds exemption from s1 of Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act

    2,707 signatures, now closed

  23. Make trespass on British farms a criminal offence. Protect British farmers!

    2,582 signatures, now closed

  24. Ban non-stun slaughter in the UK

    2,422 signatures, now closed

  25. Ban the sale of cats and dogs online and increase penalties

    2,375 signatures, now closed

  26. To ban the sale, use, ownership and manufacture of glue traps.

    2,336 signatures, now closed

  27. Ban all online sales of cats and dogs

    2,304 signatures, now closed

  28. Allow an extension for neutering XL Bully dogs with certain medical conditions

    2,240 signatures, now closed

  29. Review the safety, environmental and wildlife impact of reservoirs

    2,211 signatures, now closed

  30. A Royal Commission into the scientific efficacy of animal experimentation.

    2,181 signatures, now closed

  31. Ban the Slaughter of Animals for Meat As Soon As Possible

    2,181 signatures, now closed

  32. Ban all single use plastic

    2,154 signatures, now closed

  33. Create a national database of people banned from keeping animals

    2,142 signatures, now closed

  34. Change the law so that possession of a catapult in public becomes an offence

    2,091 signatures, now closed

  35. Reduce the decibel limit on fireworks to 85 decibels, to reduce impact

    2,057 signatures, now closed

  36. Make it illegal to chain or tether a dog

    2,022 signatures, now closed

  37. Sol’s Law – Create a new offence and tougher penalties for attacking animals.

    1,967 signatures, now closed

  38. Let airlines allow pets in the airplane’s cabin to and from the UK

    1,918 signatures, now closed

  39. Ban use and sale of non-silent fireworks

    1,875 signatures, now closed

  40. Ban the Advertising of Meat Products

    1,834 signatures, now closed

  41. Make unlawfully killing a pet a specific offence with sentences equal to murder

    1,825 signatures, now closed

  42. Make it illegal to breed, import, sell or provide beagles for animal testing

    1,787 signatures, now closed

  43. Appoint an independent ombudsman for the veterinary industry

    1,754 signatures, now closed

  44. Ban egg hatching projects in educational settings

    1,740 signatures, now closed

  45. Vets to scan prior to euthanasia for Rescue Back up & to confirm keeper details.

    1,723 signatures, now closed

  46. #SaveSue, Save Small Home Dog Breeders-Remove the Business Test from AWR 2018

    1,608 signatures, now closed

  47. Ban the import of farmed octopus into the UK

    1,588 signatures, now closed

  48. Ban plastic packaging for fruit and vegetables

    1,582 signatures, now closed

  49. Independent CCTV monitoring in English abattoirs

    1,547 signatures, now closed

  50. Create short-term visas for skilled abattoir workers to meet labour shortages

    1,530 signatures, now closed

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