We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Other lists of petitions

Petitions with a Government response

1,006 petitions

  1. Extend the older person's bus pass to cover free train travel

    Government responded – 9 October 2023

    To help make train journeys more affordable, individuals aged 60 and over are eligible for the Senior Railcard which offers a third off rail travel.

    21,892 signatures

  2. Increase the state pension to equal 35 hours a week at the National Living Wage

    Government responded – 21 August 2023

    The Government has no plans to increase the State Pension to equal 35 hours a week at the National Living Wage.

    38,005 signatures

  3. Fund research for a cure, support and to raise awareness of Lichen Sclerosus

    Government responded – 21 August 2023

    The government is committed to supporting all those living with dermatology conditions including Lichen sclerosus and welcomes funding applications for research into this condition.

    10,302 signatures

  4. Introduce new laws to force offenders to be present in court for sentencing

    Government responded – 18 August 2023

    The Government is carefully considering changing the law so that offenders are required to face up to their actions and victims can see justice being served.

    39,906 signatures

  5. Extend date for existing students to switch to Skilled Worker visa

    Government responded – 15 August 2023

    The Government has no plans to change the implementation date of the rule ending switching early from the student route to the skilled worker route. The student visa is for study.

    15,579 signatures

  6. Remove the 28-day time limit from the lenient sentence scheme in cases of murder

    Government responded – 14 August 2023

    The government currently has no plans to remove the ULS scheme’s time limit. Victims and families are informed about the limit by the CPS, and we are working to improve their awareness of the scheme.

    14,894 signatures

  7. Do not increase visa fees and the Immigration Health Surcharge

    Government responded – 11 August 2023

    The contribution migrants make is recognised, but the Government believes those that use health and immigration services should help fund the cost of delivering them. Increases will be progressed.

    28,570 signatures

  8. Set up a Public Inquiry into age discrimination and ageism in the UK

    Government responded – 10 August 2023

    Most forms of age discrimination are unlawful across a range of fields under the Equality Act 2010. The Act enables individuals to challenge such unlawful behaviour and seek redress in the courts.

    11,348 signatures

  9. Sanction individuals responsible for Sino-British Joint Declaration breaches

    Government responded – 2 August 2023

    We keep all sanctions designations under close and regular review. We do not speculate about future sanctions designations, as to do so could reduce their impact.

    22,688 signatures

  10. Stop UK pensioners paying income tax on their state pension

    Government responded – 31 July 2023

    The Personal Allowance is high enough that pensioners whose sole income is the new or basic State Pension do not pay income tax. The State Pension is designed to replace income and so is taxable.

    22,903 signatures

  11. Allow disabled people to keep all their benefits if they move in with a partner

    Government responded – 29 September 2023

    Disabled people are entitled to Income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit if they meet conditions of entitlement depending on their income and capital of their household.

    11,462 signatures

  12. Require employers to offer career breaks for parents with a seriously ill child

    Government responded – 20 July 2023

    The Government understands the difficulties and worry faced by parents of seriously ill children. We have no plans to introduce a right to take a career break in these circumstances.

    102,316 signatures

  13. Condemn burning of the Holy Qur’an in Sweden

    Government responded – 20 July 2023

    The UK Government strongly condemns the burning of the Holy Qur’an. The UK Government is committed to freedom of expression and freedom of religion or belief, and denounces hatred.

    64,735 signatures

  14. Stop deep-sea mining

    Government responded – 18 July 2023

    Engaging fully with international negotiations is the most effective approach, so that no deep-sea mining takes place in the absence of strong and enforceable environmental regulations and standards.

    35,036 signatures

  15. Create a new regulator of doctors to replace the General Medical Council (GMC)

    Government responded – 17 July 2023

    The Government considers the General Medical Council (GMC) fit for purpose and has no plans to replace it by creating a new regulator of doctors.

    13,091 signatures

  16. Require train operators keep ticket offices and platform staff at train stations

    Government responded – 11 October 2023

    The rail industry has consulted on plans to modernise to provide the service passengers deserve, moving staff from behind ticket office screens to provide help and advice in customer-focused roles.

    106,156 signatures

  17. Referendum on ending government's economically costly Ukraine/Russia policies

    Government responded – 13 July 2023

    Russia’s attempts to destroy Ukraine threaten security and prosperity across the world. Three-quarters of UN members condemned Russia’s invasion. The Government does not support holding a referendum.

    13,773 signatures

  18. Reverse the decision not to proceed with the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill

    Government responded – 12 July 2023

    We will be taking forward measures from the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill individually through other means during the remainder of this Parliament.

    18,258 signatures

  19. Launch a Public Inquiry into excess mortality in England and Wales

    Government responded – 11 July 2023

    The Government has no plans for a further public inquiry. It is taking steps to reduce excess deaths. There is no evidence linking excess deaths to the COVID-19 vaccine.

    14,113 signatures

  20. Require education staff to be trained on learning disabilities and autism

    Government responded – 11 July 2023

    The Department recognises the needs of all pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and considers all education staff as supporting SEND pupils.

    71,399 signatures

  21. Require Universities to Train Staff on Neurodiversity

    Government responded – 10 July 2023

    Universities are autonomous institutions, responsible for their own decisions on staff training. They should provide a safe and inclusive environment, including for neurodivergent students.

    16,803 signatures

  22. Provide dedicated funding for diagnosis/treatment of hypermobile EDS and HSD

    Government responded – 5 July 2023

    There are no plans for a national service for diagnosis or treatment of hEDS and HSD. Our plans for musculoskeletal conditions will be outlined in the major conditions strategy.

    28,700 signatures

  23. Athena’s Law: Introduce new requirements for drivers who hit a cat

    Government responded – 27 June 2023

    We recognize the deep upset caused by losing a pet, but a legal obligation to report road traffic incidents involving cats would be very challenging to enforce. We have no plans to change the law.

    13,081 signatures

  24. Fund non-consolidated payments for organisations providing NHS funded services

    Government responded – 8 November 2023

    The Department has made the decision to provide additional funding on this occasion to help deliver the one-off payments to eligible staff employed by non-NHS organisations.

    18,558 signatures

  25. Ensure all NHS bank staff in England receive non-consolidated payments

    Government responded – 21 June 2023

    Bank staff are employed on locally managed contracts, the terms of which differ by individual trust. They are not employed on the national contract (commonly referred to as Agenda for Change).

    29,573 signatures

  26. Do Not Leave the European Convention on Human Rights

    Government responded – 16 June 2023

    It is not currently government policy to seek withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

    21,447 signatures

  27. Urgent funding for research into Long Covid and ME/CFS treatments and cures

    Government responded – 14 June 2023

    The Government is committed to funding high-quality research to improve treatment of Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and Long Covid.

    12,154 signatures

  28. Seek visa-free travel to Europe for BRP holders

    Government responded – 14 June 2023

    There are no plans to lobby the EU to remove the need for all non-EU/EEA citizens, including UK citizens, to carry a valid passport when visiting the Schengen area. This is not a visa issue.

    25,639 signatures

  29. Create a Government exam board to make new language GCSEs based on census data

    Government responded – 13 June 2023

    GCSEs in England are offered by several private sector and not-for-profit exam boards. They are not established or funded by government. There are no plans to create a government owned exam board.

    13,442 signatures

  30. Allow people to pay their mortgage through salary sacrifice

    Government responded – 7 June 2023

    The government currently has no plans to allow tax-advantaged salary-sacrifice schemes for mortgage costs as this is not the most effective way to target support to those who need it most.

    26,802 signatures

  31. Ban the sale of all non-organic pesticides to the general public

    Government responded – 18 August 2023

    The Government will not ban the sale of non-organic pesticides to amateur gardeners. Authorised pesticides, used carefully, are an acceptable way of managing the natural environment.

    10,689 signatures

  32. Make Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha public holidays

    Government responded – 26 May 2023

    While the Government recognises the importance of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha and the valuable contribution Muslims make to this country, it has no plans to make these festivals bank holidays.

    78,480 signatures

  33. Overturn the decision to allow use of neonicotinoid pesticides on sugar crops

    Government responded – 24 May 2023

    The Government is committed to implementing policies to encourage sustainable farming and minimise the use of chemical pesticides, while monitoring the development of alternative solutions.

    22,340 signatures

  34. End the use of animals for toxicity tests & prioritise non-animal methods (NAMs)

    Government responded – 24 May 2023

    The Government is already supporting technologies to reduce reliance on the use of animals in research and we will continue to review funding for non-animal methods as part of our normal processes.

    109,378 signatures

  35. Ensure fair grading for GCSE and A Level students in 2023

    Government responded – 23 May 2023

    Ofqual confirmed this year’s grading approach includes allowance for the impact of disruption, so that a student who would have achieved a particular grade pre-pandemic is just as likely to in 2023.

    37,120 signatures

  36. Hold a referendum on ending devolution in Scotland

    Government responded – 18 July 2023

    The UK Government is committed to devolution and believes the settlement strikes the right balance. We disagree with the petition’s suggestion there should be a referendum on ending devolution.

    16,529 signatures

  37. Do not extend the period before a vehicle’s first MOT to 4 years

    Government responded – 16 May 2023

    The Government consultation on MOT reform closed on 22nd March 2023. We are currently analysing the results and will release a decision in the near future.

    11,710 signatures

  38. Legally recognise non binary gender identity.

    Government responded – 19 May 2023

    The Government believes the provisions of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 are effective and has no current plans to review or change the Act.

    10,668 signatures

  39. Do not require schools to tell parents their child is transgender/non-binary

    Government responded – 17 May 2023

    We are developing guidance to help schools to support pupils questioning their gender and will be consulting on this shortly.

    39,948 signatures

  40. Allow Serbian citizens to visit the UK for up to 90 days without a visa

    Government responded – 12 May 2023

    The Government currently has no plans to change the visa requirements for Serbian nationals. The visa system is kept under regular review and plays a key part in protecting the UK’s border security.

    13,101 signatures

  41. Introduce reporting requirements for euthanasia of healthy/treatable animals

    Government responded – 15 May 2023

    Existing obligations require veterinary surgeons to protect animals from unnecessary euthanasia. There is no evidence that a new reporting requirement is necessary.

    10,738 signatures

  42. Investigate Anti-Hindu propaganda & hatred attacks on Hindu Community

    Government responded – 11 May 2023

    This Government takes all forms of religious hatred very seriously. We are considering our approach to religious hatred and will be announcing our next steps in due course.

    18,648 signatures

  43. Extend temporary admission for UA refugees to use cars with UA registration

    Government responded – 11 May 2023

    To ensure road safety for all drivers on UK roads, foreign imported vehicles must generally be registered with the DVLA and issued with UK licence plates.

    10,178 signatures

  44. Create a Sudanese Family Scheme visa for Sudanese people affected by war

    Government responded – 11 May 2023

    There are no plans to introduce any new visa schemes for Sudanese people affected by the current conflict in Sudan.

    29,033 signatures

  45. Introduce an unmetered monthly tariff for energy for the elderly and disabled

    Government responded – 11 May 2023

    The Government is considering potential approaches to consumer energy protection post-April 2024. The Government intends to consult on options in summer 2023.

    13,311 signatures

  46. Extend Bereavement Support Payments (BSP) for widowed parents

    Government responded – 9 May 2023

    Bereavement Support Payment helps with the immediate costs of bereavement. Other parts of the welfare system, such as Universal Credit, can provide longer-term financial assistance for those in need.

    11,789 signatures

  47. Hold a parliamentary vote on whether to reject amendments to the IHR 2005

    Government responded – 4 July 2023

    We support targeted IHR amendments to ensure a suitable global framework to respond to international spread of disease. Parliament may scrutinise legislation relating to amendments accepted by the UK.

    116,391 signatures

  48. Reform the Vaccine Damage Payment with payments based on the scale of disability

    Government responded – 2 May 2023

    The VDPS 60% level of disablement is consistent with the DWP’s Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit. There is no evidence that this threshold provides an undue barrier to claimants.

    11,257 signatures

  49. Condemn Israel for their actions against Palestinians and impose trade ban

    Government responded – 28 April 2023

    The UK regularly engages with Israel over the conduct of the occupation and urges it to comply with international law. We do not believe that trade bans will benefit the peace process.

    20,236 signatures

  50. Abolish Council Tax for State Pensioners

    Government responded – 27 April 2023

    The Government requires each council to have a council tax support scheme in place under which low income pensioners receive council tax discounts of up to 100%.

    22,751 signatures

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