We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

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102 results

  1. Tougher sentences for hit and run drivers who cause death

    104,323 signatures, now closed

  2. Increase sentences for one punch assaults that kill to equal those for murder

    24,808 signatures, now closed

  3. Kristian Johnson’s Law. Life sentences for Death by Careless & Dangerous Driving

    13,663 signatures, now closed

  4. Bring back the death penalty

    12,691 signatures, now closed

  5. Travel ban on Ugandan MPs and clergy who supported Anti-Homosexuality Bill

    4,793 signatures, now closed

  6. Compulsory Penalties for Dangerously out of control dogs attacking other animals

    4,290 signatures, now closed

  7. Bring back the Death Penalty for child sexual abuse, rape and murder

    3,276 signatures, now closed

  8. Introduce increased sentences for one punch assaults and deaths

    2,008 signatures, now closed

  9. Keep the UK's membership of the EU Convention on Human Rights

    1,338 signatures, now closed

  10. Introduce offences of Death by Careless/Dangerous Cycling

    1,249 signatures, now closed

  11. Bring back the death penalty for certain offences including murder

    880 signatures, now closed

  12. Kristian Johnsons Law. Life sentences for Death by Careless & Dangerous Driving.

    825 signatures, now closed

  13. Restore the death penalty for serious offences

    774 signatures, now closed

  14. Bring back death penalty for child killers and mass murderers

    449 signatures, now closed

  15. Re-Introduce Capital Punishment

    410 signatures, now closed

  16. Offer asylum to all LGBTQ+ Ugandans facing persecution in Uganda

    343 signatures, now closed

  17. Bring back the death penalty for convicted murderers

    280 signatures, now closed

  18. Increase penalties for the owners of dangerously out of control dogs

    272 signatures, now closed

  19. Increase sentences for abuse, neglect and murder of a child

    267 signatures, now closed

  20. Reintroduce the Death Penalty for certain offences

    245 signatures, now closed

  21. Stop all foreign aid and sanction Uganda over its anti-LGBT+ legislation

    241 signatures, now closed

  22. Hold a referendum on whether capital punishment should be restored

    229 signatures, now closed

  23. Introduce offences of Death by Careless/Dangerous Cycling

    218 signatures, now closed

  24. Hold a referendum on whether to reinstate the death penalty

    217 signatures, now closed

  25. Reinstate the death penalty for adults who rape children under the age of 12

    187 signatures, now closed

  26. Make the death penalty an option where intent to kill can be proven

    182 signatures, now closed

  27. Increase penalties for criminals convicted for dog fighting.

    95 signatures, now closed

  28. Reinstate the death penalty for child sexual offences

    79 signatures, now closed

  29. Bring back the death penalty for sexual abuse against children

    78 signatures, now closed

  30. Legalise the possession, use and distribution of psilocybin mushrooms in the UK

    64 signatures, now closed

  31. Hold a referendum on reinstating the death penalty for certain offences

    44 signatures, now closed

  32. Harsher sentencing for assaults' on police, emergency workers & prison officers.

    33 signatures, now closed

  33. Make chanting about tragedies and death at a football match a criminal offence

    32 signatures, now closed

  34. Reinstate the death penalty for the most heinous crimes.


  35. Bring back the death penalty


  36. Stop all aid to Uganda amid their new policy on death sentence on homosexuality


  37. Bring back the death penalty for continuing offenders for, child abuse,




  39. Reinstate Capital Punishment, for crimes against children


  40. Bring back the death penalty for murder.


  41. Long term imprisonment for all proven paedophile cases.


  42. Death Penalty For The Sexual Abuse Of Children.


  43. Please protect the human rights act in the UK


  44. Bring back the death penalty for child rape / child abuse rings


  45. Reinstate death penalty on pedophiles who have committed crimes against children


  46. bring back the death penalty for all sex offenders


  47. Bring back the death penalty for paedophiles


  48. Death Penalty for child molestation and paedophilia


  49. Reinstate the Death penalty


  50. Reintroduction of the death penalty.


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