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Open petitions

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10 results

  1. Set automatic bail requirements for those charged with domestic violence offence

    5,266 signatures

  2. Review how Home Office deals with applications for ILR due to domestic violence

    283 signatures

  3. Review Cafcass approach to "parental alienation"

    234 signatures

  4. Make misogyny a specific crime

    207 signatures

  5. Ban bail for those accused or convicted of domestic violence

    196 signatures

  6. New law to guarantee new social housing tenancies for victims of violence

    196 signatures

  7. Remove joint and several liability in tenancy agreements in proven cases of DV

    64 signatures

  8. Take action to support families where a parent is convicted of domestic violence

    40 signatures

  9. Review Police response and support for Domestic Violence Victims

    34 signatures

  10. Require lifetime restraining orders for convicts of domestic violence offences

    23 signatures

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