These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

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28,102 petitions

  1. Stop whilst in hospital exorbitant TV, phone and internet charges

    53 signatures, now closed

  2. Repeal the ‘Licensing Act 2003’ and restore the ‘Licensing Act 1921’

    53 signatures, now closed

  3. Make Debeaking Illegal in the egg and meat industry

    53 signatures, now closed

  4. Build a third road coming out of Canvey Island

    53 signatures, now closed

  5. Ban the sale of wild caught species in the pet trade

    53 signatures, now closed

  6. Introduce Suicide Bereavement Support to the NHS Services

    53 signatures, now closed

  7. Stop plans for Bradwell Nuclear Plant

    53 signatures, now closed

  8. Make the use of Smoke Bombs legal in UK Football Grounds to improve atmosphere

    53 signatures, now closed

  9. Fund programme for more public information about when to call for an ambulance

    53 signatures, now closed

  10. Give fathers automatic parental responsibility

    53 signatures, now closed

  11. Establish a Royal Commission to consider a reformed National Health Service.

    53 signatures, now closed

  12. Relegalise the possession of fresh (unprepared) psilocybin ('magic') mushrooms.

    53 signatures, now closed

  13. Introduce consequences of prolonged pornography use into sex education

    53 signatures, now closed

  14. Harm reduction on Fentanyl laced Heroin, by giving away Fentanyl testing strips.

    53 signatures, now closed

  15. Make getting a tattoo legal at 16 legal with parental consent.

    53 signatures, now closed

  16. Ban the use of mobile phones in the House of Commons

    53 signatures, now closed

  17. Require the prominent labelling of palm oil on all products sold in the UK

    53 signatures, now closed

  18. Put a Tax on all excessive packaging Including plastic and cardboard.

    53 signatures, now closed

  19. Allow and help gay couples in the uk have children through surrogacy.

    53 signatures, now closed

  20. Publish all the rights of looked after children in one simple document.

    53 signatures, now closed

  21. Make Local Heritage Asset Listings compulsory in all Local Authorities

    52 signatures, now closed

  22. Restrict displaying and availability of knives in shops and online

    52 signatures, now closed

  23. Bring back death penalty for murder

    52 signatures, now closed

  24. Make the sale of second-hand carseats illegal.

    52 signatures, now closed

  25. Pay child element weekly on universal credit

    52 signatures, now closed

  26. An alternate 'blue badge' for disabled people accessing their vehicles

    52 signatures, now closed

  27. Ban e-cigarettes from open display in shops and treat them like tobacco.

    52 signatures, now closed

  28. Bring in a tax of 14% on red meat and 79% on processed meat

    52 signatures, now closed

  29. Make all school holidays commence on the same dates in the UK

    52 signatures, now closed

  30. Force all new build house purchases to have a retainer on purchase agreements.

    52 signatures, now closed

  31. Make chain stores responsible for their plastic packaging, i.e extreme fines

    52 signatures, now closed

  32. Revoke Section 74 of the LLA Act 2007 that permits the reuse of graves

    52 signatures, now closed

  33. Say no to an extension to article 50

    52 signatures, now closed

  34. Review UK material recycling infrastructure in order to decrease packaging waste

    52 signatures, now closed

  35. Better treatment, education and career possibilities for UK sea faring cadets

    52 signatures, now closed

  36. Change rights for parents that have nothing to do with their children

    52 signatures, now closed

  37. Law change. No reduced sentence if plea changed after further evidence heard.

    52 signatures, now closed

  38. The government should stop ALL foreign aid now!

    52 signatures, now closed

  39. Make guide dogs available as part of the mobility scheme, not reliant on charity

    52 signatures, now closed

  40. More funding for the NHS Blood Donation Service

    52 signatures, now closed

  41. Make well-being and mental health an integrated part of PSHE from KS1 to KS4.

    52 signatures, now closed

  42. Require public transport providers to offer free transport to those in education

    52 signatures, now closed

  43. Build and repair road surfaces using the plastic waste produced in the UK

    52 signatures, now closed

  44. UK govt to build a ship which can remove and recycle plastic from the oceans

    52 signatures, now closed

  45. Raise the minimum wage for workers under 18 years old.

    52 signatures, now closed

  46. Use 'Reverse Vending Machines' to recycle glass, plastic and cans in the UK

    52 signatures, now closed

  47. Councils should be able to nominate people to a different council for downsizing

    52 signatures, now closed

  48. Introduce specialist funds for councils to tackle littering and fly-tipping

    52 signatures, now closed

  49. To alter the trade description act so as to include new build homes

    52 signatures, now closed

  50. Deduct any money payable under the Brexit agreement from the Foreign Aid Budget.

    52 signatures, now closed

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