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Open petitions
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1,266 petitions
Amend Student Loan eligibility
19 signatures
Allow night workers the choice to opt out of the 48 hour working limit
19 signatures
Include science based Intelligently Designed Creation in the Science Curriculum
19 signatures
Conduct a review into the merits of co-operative exams
19 signatures
Make micro companies exempt from the employer national insurance increase
19 signatures
Make it a criminal offence for under 18s to vape or smoke
19 signatures
Amend the law to allow universities to review the formation of student societies
19 signatures
Do not extend the BBC TV license fee to streaming services
18 signatures
Introduce a right to roam law, also known as the right of responsible access
18 signatures
Introduce an Education Voucher Scheme for Equity in UK Education
18 signatures
Stop funding for interfaith initiatives
18 signatures
Review the Life in the UK test
18 signatures
Fund free DNA ancestry tests for Transatlantic Slave Trade Descendants
18 signatures
Remove 2 year threshold for unfair dismissal claims
18 signatures
Change the DVLA requirements for motor caravan conversions.
18 signatures
Ban all tobacco cigarettes completely.
18 signatures
Introduce minimum age and driving experience for emergency response drivers
17 signatures
Mandatory extension of Visas for international student to accommodate resits
17 signatures
Include investment property mortgages when calculating child maintenance
17 signatures
Review the Legal Expense Insurance industry
17 signatures
Introduce a new tax code for emergency workers and armed forces
17 signatures
Review the rules on complaint escalation to Ombudsmen/ADR in all industries
17 signatures
Regulate price of car repairs and labour costs
16 signatures
Repeal the Public Order Act 2023
16 signatures
Make the carrying of ID cards mandatory
16 signatures
Provide funding for schools to hire a security guard to protect our children
16 signatures
Give the Chagos Islands to the USA
16 signatures
Postgraduate loans for tuition fees should not count as income for benefits
16 signatures
Allow Graduate Visa to be extended
16 signatures
Remove VAT from pet veterinarian bills
16 signatures
Hold a review into Gambling Commission changes to online gambling regulations.
16 signatures
No visa restrictions to all citizens of Uzbekistan to enter the UK
16 signatures
Increase the number of politicians at remembrance ceremonies
16 signatures
Scrap the 100ml rule for hand luggage in airports
15 signatures
Require all household knives to have blunt ends
15 signatures
Require all social media companies to allow infinite scrolling to be turned off
15 signatures
Remove the expensive car supplement for secondhand cars
15 signatures
Increase regulation of Giveaway and Competition Websites
15 signatures
Reduce Discrimination: option to omit birthplace in passports & driving licenses
15 signatures
Grant British citizenship to Kurdish people and acknowledge history
15 signatures
Change the law so that people can create private police forces
15 signatures
Introduce Transport Discounts for Students based on their academic grades
15 signatures
Require more time spent in physical education classes in primary schools
15 signatures
Require food retailers to label products which are subject to shrinkflation
14 signatures
Require all businesses to have environmental sustainability plans by 2030
14 signatures
Fund airport-style security for all schools to screen students for drugs
14 signatures
Review powers of Child Maintenance Service regarding concealed income
14 signatures
Establish a statutory body to mediate disputes within the motor industry.
14 signatures
Extend the closing date of the Plug-in Van and Truck Grant beyond 31 March 2025
13 signatures
Raise the VAT threshold to £125,000
13 signatures