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Open petitions

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1,440 petitions

  1. Require toilets in all baby changing facilities

    220 signatures

  2. UK should act to address settler violence in the West Bank

    220 signatures

  3. Set a minimum MOT fee and increase the maximum fee for an MOT

    219 signatures

  4. Give parents who split up automatic equal shared custody of their children

    219 signatures

  5. Create a body for regulation and monitoring of new builds with strong powers

    217 signatures

  6. Send all illegal immigrants and asylum seekers to Rwanda

    215 signatures

  7. Enable disqualification checks for persons charged under Animal Welfare Act 2006

    213 signatures

  8. Scrap the House of Lords & replace it with an elected body of 200

    209 signatures

  9. Create a public register of people awaiting trial for sexual offences

    209 signatures

  10. Provide additional funding for existing and new youth centres

    207 signatures

  11. Require all workplaces have wheelchair access & facilities for wheelchair users

    206 signatures

  12. Make disabled persons' bus passes valid before 9:30am and after 11:00pm.

    206 signatures

  13. Provide funding to build 90,000 new social homes

    205 signatures

  14. Impose new restrictions on political donations and beneficiaries of public funds

    204 signatures

  15. Seek to ensure access to clean water for the people of Palestine

    204 signatures

  16. Increase the minimum sentence for murder to 20 years

    203 signatures

  17. Take concrete steps against Israeli settlements in Palestine

    203 signatures

  18. Health & Care visa workers to freely change sponsors/employers after 2 years

    203 signatures

  19. Increase the UK Category B driving licence Maximum Authorised Mass to 4,500Kg

    201 signatures

  20. Launch a Public Inquiry into excess deaths

    200 signatures

  21. Introduce a rehoming scheme for banned breeds

    199 signatures

  22. Make it illegal to have public protests on days of celebration and remembrance

    197 signatures

  23. Review protections for public from unsafe electrical infrastructure

    197 signatures

  24. Require MPs to disclose all shares in vulture funds

    194 signatures

  25. Review Cafcass approach to "parental alienation"

    193 signatures

  26. New law to guarantee new social housing tenancies for victims of violence

    192 signatures

  27. Ban bail for those accused or convicted of domestic violence

    191 signatures

  28. Fund places for homeless people to cook in

    191 signatures

  29. Create a national climate change holiday to encourage the planting of trees

    190 signatures

  30. Make misogyny a specific crime

    189 signatures

  31. Abolish Inheritance Tax or increase tax-free amount

    189 signatures

  32. Only allow older people, disabled people and Armed Forces personnel postal votes

    188 signatures

  33. Ban communal boilers for housing estates

    188 signatures

  34. Lower the age of voting in local elections to 16 across England & NI

    188 signatures

  35. Lifetime ban and increased sentences for driving offences while disqualified

    188 signatures

  36. Ban restaurants from adding a service charge to bills

    188 signatures

  37. Require local authorities to issue parking permits to health and care workers

    187 signatures

  38. Allow health workers with certificate of sponsorship to work for any employer

    184 signatures

  39. Introduce offences of Death by Careless/Dangerous Cycling

    184 signatures

  40. Ban councils from building high-density housing on school playgrounds

    182 signatures

  41. Make 29 February a bank holiday

    182 signatures

  42. Review how family court considers children's voices and feelings

    181 signatures

  43. Add chickenpox vaccine to the routine child immunisation schedule

    180 signatures

  44. Require "Gluten" be listed as an allergen on food labelling

    180 signatures

  45. Reduce the State Pension age to 63

    180 signatures

  46. Recognise handfasting marriage in law in England and Wales

    179 signatures

  47. Review statutory ratios in Early Years

    178 signatures

  48. Require all military sexual offence claims be handled by civilian police

    178 signatures

  49. Ensure boats seized for use in illegal crossings are donated where possible

    177 signatures

  50. Create rights to authorised school absence for family events

    175 signatures

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