We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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All petitions

1,716 results

  1. Make dog theft a specific criminal offence

    316,545 signatures, now closed

  2. Limit the Sale and Use of Fireworks to Organisers of Licensed Displays Only

    301,611 signatures, now closed

  3. Ban Animal Testing - Fund, accept & promote alternatives to animal testing

    235,886 signatures, now closed

  4. Make pet theft crime a specific offence with custodial sentences.

    143,638 signatures, now closed

  5. Provide financial help to zoos, aquariums, & rescue centres during the pandemic.

    135,481 signatures, now closed

  6. Allow Zoos and Wildlife attractions to reopen with social distancing in place

    129,292 signatures, now closed

  7. Ban the exploitative import of young puppies for sale in the UK.

    128,552 signatures, now closed

  8. Vets to scan prior to euthanasia for Rescue Back up and confirm keeper details

    121,170 signatures, now closed

  9. Repeal Breed Specific Legislation

    116,252 signatures, now closed

  10. Change the law to include laboratory animals in the Animal Welfare Act.

    110,268 signatures, now closed

  11. End the Cage Age for all farmed animals

    109,820 signatures, now closed

  12. End the use of animals for toxicity tests & prioritise non-animal methods (NAMs)

    109,378 signatures, now closed

  13. #Reggieslaw - Regulate online animal sales

    109,004 signatures, now closed

  14. Find the time to take the Kept Animals Bill through Parliament and make it law

    108,155 signatures, now closed

  15. Ban the shooting of badgers immediately

    106,108 signatures, now closed

  16. Ban greyhound racing to end unnecessary deaths & suffering of racing dogs

    104,885 signatures, now closed

  17. Stop Forestry England granting licenses for Fox & Hare hunts

    104,705 signatures, now closed

  18. Make the use of free-running snares illegal for trapping wildlife

    102,617 signatures, now closed

  19. Make it a legal requirement for drivers to stop & report collisions with cats

    102,437 signatures, now closed

  20. Ban commercial breeding for laboratories. Implement reform to approve & use NAMs

    102,230 signatures, now closed

  21. Mini’s law - Protect the public and animals from hunting activities

    101,996 signatures, now closed

  22. Plan to phase out animal experiments

    101,411 signatures, now closed

  23. Make the use of free-running snares illegal for trapping wildlife

    84,638 signatures, now closed

  24. Retain bans on cat, dog, seal fur imports, and extend to ban all fur imports

    69,946 signatures, now closed

  25. Ban all animal experiments & redirect Government funding to human-based research

    51,474 signatures, now closed

  26. Ban the sale of fireworks to the general public

    50,288 signatures, now closed

  27. Make pet abduction a specific criminal offence

    49,593 signatures, now closed

  28. Ban sale of fireworks to the public and limit sales to licensed displays only

    48,955 signatures, now closed

  29. Make fireworks illegal to buy, with the exception of public displays.

    46,070 signatures, now closed

  30. Make glue traps illegal within the UK

    41,190 signatures, now closed

  31. Include animal charities in emergency funding due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    40,095 signatures, now closed

  32. Take action to end factory farming and reduce meat and dairy consumption

    37,254 signatures, now closed

  33. Create a public register of people banned from keeping animals in the UK

    33,358 signatures, now closed

  34. Ban the use of dogs for testing and research purposes in the UK

    32,267 signatures, now closed

  35. Bring into effect a ban on research & testing on dogs in the UK

    28,349 signatures, now closed

  36. Introduce mandatory neutering of pet cats

    28,029 signatures, now closed

  37. Support Boarding Kennels and Catteries

    27,945 signatures, now closed

  38. Grant cats the same status under the Road Traffic Act 1988 as dogs

    25,129 signatures, now closed

  39. Regulate and licence all retired greyhound kennel premises

    24,064 signatures, now closed

  40. Ban imports of hunting trophies of endangered animals

    23,657 signatures, now closed

  41. Introduce new legal requirements for vets prior to euthanasia of dogs & cats

    22,746 signatures, now closed

  42. Ban non-stun slaughter in the UK.

    20,853 signatures, now closed

  43. Exempt charities using IPAFFS from ban on importing animals from Eastern Europe

    18,574 signatures, now closed

  44. Reverse the decision not to proceed with the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill

    18,258 signatures, now closed

  45. Legal rights for ancient trees

    17,013 signatures, now closed

  46. Extend the new dog abduction theft offence to cover cats and all kept animals

    16,006 signatures, now closed

  47. Close loophole allowing licensed dog breeders to broker pregnant bitches

    15,501 signatures, now closed

  48. All Rescue Back Up Contact Details On Microchips Must Remain Registered For Life

    15,081 signatures, now closed

  49. Declare “Tested on Animals” on packaging for any product tested on animals

    14,615 signatures, now closed

  50. Let airlines allow pets in the airplane’s cabin to and from the UK

    13,557 signatures, now closed

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