Other lists of petitions
Rejected petitions
617 petitions
remove mp's heating allowance
Ban the recording of Non-Crime Hate Incidents
Add "Fear Her" back to Iplayer
Extend the northern line from Mill Hill East to Edgware.
Scrap MP's claiming fuel payments.
Make all forms of geo-engineering affecting the environment illegal
Allow children to use the toilet as & when needed at school
means testing for there heating/ power bills
Means test MPs to claim utilities allowance for 2nd homes.
Vote on UK electoral system first past the post to proportional representation
Review allowances on MP’s second homes
Assisted dying referrendum
Transpancy on products from cattle using bovaer.
Enact legislation mandating the inclusion of salary information in job postings.
Make it so MPs have to pay their own utilities costs like everyone else.
Stop mp claims for utilities
Abolish fuel payments for mps
Ban MPs claiming taxpayers money to heat their second homes
Make loved British singer Elkie Brooks a DAME.
Call a referendum for assisted dying bill.
Dagenham and Redbridge to always play in yellow
An immediate pause on immigration to the United Kingdom.
700 hours to ban fox hunting, 20 to allow state-sanctioned killing. Let us vote
Bring back the original Coca-Cola advert for christmas
Abolish the TV licensing fee.
Enable broadcasting of all live football games on cable/satellite/internet.
Make the developers of “The Eades” include new entrance to Walthamstow Central
Change the voting system to proportional representation.
To make another guitar hero for the next gen consoles.
Manifesto pledges made by campaigning political parties must be legally binding.
Stop Celebrating Christmas before December
Abolish TV License Fee
Criminalise the intentional sabotage of a child's education.
Defund the BBC
I call for a referendum on assisted dying as I believe it’s to important issue
To write in to law, any promises made during a election compain must be honoured
Debate the Impact of Medicine Shortages on Patients, Pharmacies, and GPs
Make the BBC a subscription only service. Scrap the tv licence
Abolish tv licence for all channels other than bbc
Reduce uk debt with money normally spent on royal families.
Change the Supermarket meal deals to a singular Pound (£)
Remove the use of VAR reviews in football. Return to human decisions.
Hold a Referendum on the Assisted Dying Bill
Car insurance to low their price every year, if you have no fault accidents.
For the government to have a national referendum on assisted dying.
Stop the practice of recording NON CRIME HATE INCIDENTS (NCHI)
Make masks and face coverings illegal and demonstration and protests
Regulate Student Intake Effectively for Sustainable and Quality Higher Education
Against a blanket 50 MPH speed limit on single carriage ways in Scotland
Stop the introduction of blasphemy laws in the uk