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Open petitions
These petitions are sorted by popularity. Sort them by date of publishing.
1,246 petitions
Require electoral candidates to declare interests in their nomination papers
63 signatures
Require online retailers to name intended delivery company prior to transaction
63 signatures
Make MP recall rules stricter
63 signatures
Review the issuing of hormone prescriptions for transgender individuals by GPs
63 signatures
Link the personal tax free allowance to a cost of living/ inflation index.
62 signatures
Make politics a required subject up to GCSE
62 signatures
Review how the justice system handles financial abuse
62 signatures
Don't have an earnings limit for Carer's Allowance
62 signatures
Require all non-essential businesses to close on Christmas and Boxing Day
62 signatures
Make spiking an indictable offence
62 signatures
Make the teaching of criminal offences & their consequences compulsory in school
61 signatures
Photograph all claimants for DWP Benefits
61 signatures
Make vandalism and theft of vans a specific offence
61 signatures
Require ministers to be Members of the House of Commons and not the Lords
61 signatures
Automatically disclose a violent offender’s history to a partner
61 signatures
Ban explicit violence and sexualisation in Computer & Video Games
61 signatures
Work with others to give frozen Russian assets to Ukraine
60 signatures
Stop Bonus Payments for Civil Servants
60 signatures
Make it a criminal offence to mislead or lie in public office
60 signatures
Developers should make new medium to large housing estates fully adoptable.
60 signatures
Advocate for and act to support the protection of Hindu minorities in Bangladesh
60 signatures
Allow driving motorcycles up to 125cc without CBT on category B driving licence
60 signatures
Provide schools with money to fund teaching assistants in every class.
60 signatures
Allow healthcare surcharge to rollover if applicant hasn't used the NHS
60 signatures
Review how the rights of trans athletes are respected in sports
60 signatures
Ban private providers from providing home and social care
59 signatures
Introduce stricter penalties and enforcement for shoplifting.
59 signatures
Life imprisonment for rapists without release
59 signatures
Require rail customers to be told the cheapest possible fare
59 signatures
Ban cross-examination of victims of sexual abuse
59 signatures
Require licences to use air rifles
59 signatures
Exemption from stamp duty changes if mortgage offers predate the Autumn budget
59 signatures
Ensure plurality of political coverage across UK broadcast media at all times
58 signatures
Remove all electronic devices from paedophiles and child murderers' prison cells
58 signatures
Ban private, corporate and special interest groups funding political parties
58 signatures
Introduce Regulation of Private Parking Practices
58 signatures
Revoke asylum for Syrian Refugees in light of the change of Government
58 signatures
Allow self-certification of illness for up to 28 days, rather than 7 days.
58 signatures
Create a single, UK-wide exemption certificate for XL Bullies
58 signatures
Grant Indefinite Leave to Remain for Long-Term International Students in the UK
58 signatures
Nationalise all public utilities: water, energy, telecoms, postal and buses
57 signatures
Establish a reparations scheme for victims of Grooming Gangs
57 signatures
Use diplomatic and trade influence to stop hot branding cattle around the world
57 signatures
Stricter regulations on the breeding and sale/adoption of pets
57 signatures
Institute a maximum cap for the interest rate on credit cards and personal loans
57 signatures
Fund Medicinal Reviews for Patients Prescribed Highly Addictive Drugs
57 signatures
Create state-owned housing for MPs to use
56 signatures
Grant Chagossians a referendum to decide the future of Chagos Islands
56 signatures
Create a scheme to create employment opportunities for homeless people
56 signatures
Launch a review into increasing speed limits on motorways and dual carriageways
56 signatures