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All petitions
3,294 petitions
Ban large solar schemes on farmland/open countryside and promote solar on roofs
13,872 signatures
Remove the 28 day time limit from the unduly lenient sentence scheme for murder
13,839 signatures
Fully Repeal the Gender Recognition Act
13,318 signatures
Review decision to cede sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius
13,274 signatures
Grant automatic visa extension and ILR for Ukrainians after 5 years
13,142 signatures
Postural Tachycardia Syndrome: fund training and facilities
13,020 signatures
Make GCSE exams free for home educated children under 18
12,875 signatures
Reinstate release of certain serious offenders half-way through their sentence
12,280 signatures
Allow BN(O)s ETA-free entry
12,164 signatures
Allow transgender people to self-identify their legal gender.
11,880 signatures
Hold a referendum on re-joining the European Union
11,787 signatures
Allow carers already in UK on sponsored visa to work for any CQC care provider
11,433 signatures
Do not restrict vape flavours
11,394 signatures
Increase Carer's Allowance to equal minimum wage
11,123 signatures
Fund Awareness and Training Regarding Functional Neurological Disorders (FND)
10,920 signatures
Fund more CAR T Cell Therapy for eligible patients
10,809 signatures
We are petitioning for a National Referendum on Assisted Dying
10,807 signatures
Lift restrictions on prescribing puberty blockers to trans children.
10,680 signatures
Change the law, so that UK citizens can force an immediate General Election
10,444 signatures
Require MPs proven to mislead public to resign and create 'fact check' committee
9,629 signatures
Require parliamentary scrutiny of any proposal to amend the Royal Mail USO
9,128 signatures
Embed food, farming, and sustainability education into the national curriculum
8,973 signatures
Abolish whole life orders and reintroduce the death penalty
8,353 signatures
Change the law so those on life sentence for murder are not eligible for release
8,287 signatures
Stop financial and other support for asylum seekers
8,222 signatures
Protect Railway Workers Against Violent Crime
8,040 signatures
Hold a Public Inquiry into the state pension age change for 1950s women
7,694 signatures
Raise statutory maternity/paternity pay to match the National Living Wage
7,328 signatures
Impose a lifetime ban on animal ownership for anyone convicted of animal cruelty
7,230 signatures
Seek to Rejoin the EU Pet Passport Scheme
7,228 signatures
Ban wind farms on protected peat land in England
7,184 signatures
Introduce 'Grow Your Own' Laws for Legal Medical Cannabis Patients (CBPM)
7,030 signatures
Make it a crime to purposely delay ringing the emergency services
6,966 signatures
Legally enshrine the right of adults to physically transition using NHS services
6,891 signatures
Hold a referendum on achieving net zero goals.
6,744 signatures
Amend the Recall of MPs Act 2015 for MPs who have misled voters
6,384 signatures
Ban new waste incinerators and revoke permits where building has not begun
6,200 signatures
Don't send troops to Ukraine to support peacekeeping
6,153 signatures
Commission a public inquiry into the impact of the UK exiting the European Union
6,096 signatures
Restart issuing oil and gas licenses in the North Sea
6,023 signatures
Create a new body to regulate landlord and freeholder service charges
6,014 signatures
Ban LED headlights
5,948 signatures
Pay pensioners the equivalent of the living wage of a 35 hour week.
5,924 signatures
Introduce statutory provision for independence referendums in Scotland & Wales.
5,889 signatures
Require landfills that cause smells and toxins near residential areas to close
5,820 signatures
Abolish the basic State Pension, increase the new State Pension and pay to all.
5,747 signatures
Ban prisoner segregation for periods of more than 15 days
5,738 signatures
Secure the release and return of British nationals arbitrarily detained in India
5,578 signatures
Legally Require All Job Listings to Show Salaries Upfront
5,453 signatures
Nationalise the UK water industry
5,427 signatures