These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

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28,102 petitions

  1. Make Melrose Way in Alderley Edge safer by having a central barrier

    74 signatures, now closed

  2. Make councils recycle ALL recyclable waste to reduce plastic going to landfill

    73 signatures, now closed

  3. Stop MTC Multiplication Tables Check as a statutory test for year 4 students

    73 signatures, now closed

  4. Put fainting and epileptic seizure advice in all public transport buildings

    73 signatures, now closed

  5. Adapt planning legislation to require that trees are moved rather than cut down.

    73 signatures, now closed

  6. add a vegan week in secondary school food tech curriculum

    73 signatures, now closed

  7. Allow free prescriptions, dentist and eye tests for apprentices.

    73 signatures, now closed

  8. Require child maintenance to be set as at flat rate per child per month.

    73 signatures, now closed

  9. Make elder abuse a specific criminal offence

    73 signatures, now closed

  10. We believe Parliament should vote to allow more refugees to settle in the UK.

    73 signatures, now closed

  11. Allow working parents free childcare ALL YEAR up to the age of 10.

    73 signatures, now closed

  12. Stop providers of Buy to Let mortgages discriminating against benefits claimants

    73 signatures, now closed

  13. Ban online sales of animals

    73 signatures, now closed

  14. Devolve ALL Welsh Tax revenue (Corporation & Individual) to The Welsh Government

    73 signatures, now closed

  15. Ban LED vehicle headlights

    73 signatures, now closed

  16. Expel Venezuelan Diplomats and close their Embassy in London

    73 signatures, now closed

  17. Make the waiting lists for NHS gender identity clinics shorter

    73 signatures, now closed

  18. Withdraw the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights

    73 signatures, now closed

  19. FREE Junior use of council sports fields/ pitches and a cap on the Adult price.

    73 signatures, now closed

  20. Ban all ISIS members from returning to the UK

    72 signatures, now closed

  21. Extend paid statutory paternity leave for working fathers for up to 3 months.

    72 signatures, now closed

  22. Remove liquid restrictions for operating air crew at all UK airports

    72 signatures, now closed

  23. Increase funding for Bedfordshire Police to be able to respond and action crime

    72 signatures, now closed

  24. Make importing, keeping, sale of Cat 1 wild animals by private citizens illegal

    72 signatures, now closed

  25. Make Nursing Home fees tax deductable

    72 signatures, now closed

  26. All shops to have the same clothing size standard

    72 signatures, now closed

  27. Require products containing xylitol to be labelled 'Highly toxic to dogs'.

    72 signatures, now closed

  28. Prevent a single MP being able to stop a Private Member’s Bill

    72 signatures, now closed

  29. Abolish GCSEs

    72 signatures, now closed

  30. Make dementia training mandatory within the NHS and hospitals.

    72 signatures, now closed

  31. No to increasing tv license fees

    72 signatures, now closed

  32. Inform expectant parents that their placenta is lawfully theirs to keep

    72 signatures, now closed

  33. Increase the sentence time for those caught endangering aircraft with drones

    72 signatures, now closed

  34. Stop documentaries broadcasting footage of individuals without consent

    72 signatures, now closed

  35. Create a demo version of a Universal Credit online account.

    72 signatures, now closed

  36. Ban quad bikes in residential areas

    72 signatures, now closed

  37. Give an alternate route for couples to reach the spouse visa income requirement

    72 signatures, now closed

  38. 'None of the above' as option on ballot paper

    72 signatures, now closed

  39. Amend Representation of the Peoples act 1983 to include Social Media campaigns.

    72 signatures, now closed

  40. Require drivers aged 70 + to undergo an annual road safety check and eye exam.

    72 signatures, now closed

  41. Halt the rollout of fingerprint scanners to police

    72 signatures, now closed

  42. Make it illegal to spit in the street/road. You should be fined if you do so.

    72 signatures, now closed

  43. To introduce an annual dementia screening test for everyone over the age of 45.

    72 signatures, now closed

  44. Install safe and fit for purpose safety fences (crash barriers) on UK motorways.

    72 signatures, now closed

  45. Make primary schools allow kids toilet breaks during class time

    72 signatures, now closed

  46. Require all teachers to be trained in special needs & hold regular training days

    71 signatures, now closed

  47. Register stillbirths from 16 weeks pregnancy

    71 signatures, now closed

  48. Ban the use of food packaging that cannot be recycled

    71 signatures, now closed

  49. Funding to save the Spix Macaw a species that is now extinct in the wild.

    71 signatures, now closed

  50. Make a law that states all dogs must be on leads in public places.

    71 signatures, now closed

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