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Open petitions
These petitions are sorted by popularity. Sort them by date of publishing.
1,195 petitions
Introduce stricter regulation of event ticket sales, resales and dynamic pricing
145 signatures
Ban Applied Behaviour Analysis Therapy designed to reduce Autistic Stimming
144 signatures
Ban plastic food covers such as cling film
144 signatures
Make teaching BSL mandatory in all schools
143 signatures
Increase regulation of political advertising
143 signatures
Introduce a mandatory driving test for moped/small motorcycle users
142 signatures
Make all types of animal snares illegal in England
141 signatures
Require All Family Law Professionals to have Training about Domestic Abuse
140 signatures
Ban greyhound racing
139 signatures
Increase funding for border security and patrols in UK waters.
139 signatures
Review UK immigration policies, including a cap the number of people arriving
138 signatures
Allow employees to deduct living expenses from salary before it’s taxed.
137 signatures
Introduce a new code of electoral ethics.
136 signatures
Introduce compulsory voting
136 signatures
Require employers to notify unsuccessful job candidates and give feedback
136 signatures
Create dedicated section for UK passport holders at arrival in UK airports
136 signatures
Implement a ‘Statutory Dependents Pay’ for being off with your sick child
135 signatures
Ban websites from making people pay a fee to reject cookies
135 signatures
Review strategy for youth crime & anti-social behaviour, and increase funding
133 signatures
Prohibit short-selling on companies developing life-saving treatment
133 signatures
Save the National Citizens Service
133 signatures
Make it a legal requirement for individuals to report child sexual abuse
132 signatures
Fund at home smear test kits for females when requested.
132 signatures
Condemn human rights violations in Pakistan and consider how to support victims
131 signatures
Hold a referendum on continued UK support for Ukraine
131 signatures
Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent in the UK
130 signatures
Require all delivery riders to have passed their driving test
130 signatures
Remove Universal Credit ‘Take-home Pay’ deductions for lone parent households
130 signatures
Stop third party sites selling DVSA practical exam bookings for profit
130 signatures
Require all healthcare environments to be wheelchair accessible
129 signatures
Change election rules so that only people who live in the area can stand
128 signatures
Impose penalties on MPs for deceit
127 signatures
Require registration, mot, road tax and insurance for all e-bikes
124 signatures
Refuse ability to claim asylum for convicted criminals
124 signatures
Make all households with income under £200,000 eligible for free childcare
124 signatures
Regulate small animal breeding
124 signatures
Require more qualifications for teachers/teaching assistants at SEN schools
123 signatures
Enforce 11 p.m. fireworks curfew to protect community peace
123 signatures
Provide free school meals to all school children
121 signatures
Restrict the use of disclaimers by police to relinquish ownership of dogs
121 signatures
Ban horse racing
120 signatures
Fund wigs for all people who have hair loss due to a medical condition
120 signatures
Create a national badge for parent and child spaces.
120 signatures
Review the NHS emergency treatment system
120 signatures
Do not give £50m of aid for Syrians
119 signatures
Legislate against reselling or giving up young puppies/kittens to a third party
119 signatures
Make the state pension the same as the minimum wage for a full time worker
119 signatures
Set limits on the length of lane closures for roadworks
119 signatures
Declare a state of emergency to prioritise climate action
119 signatures
Review the case for building 90,000 social rent homes across England
118 signatures