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Open petitions
These petitions are sorted by popularity. Sort them by date of publishing.
1,174 petitions
Fund menopause support being added to the NHS Health Checks for women over 40
2,092 signatures
Review process for booking driving tests and ban the resale at inflated prices
2,091 signatures
Stop all foreign aid
2,062 signatures
Increase funding for Early years providers.
2,042 signatures
Allow Visa applicants to pay health surcharge in instalments
2,021 signatures
Stop the Early Release of all Domestic Abusers Under the SDS40 Scheme
2,019 signatures
Introduce legislation restricting nonsurgical aesthetics to medical doctors only
2,018 signatures
Require a, "no confidence," vote on the ballot for all elections/referendums.
1,997 signatures
Adapt EYFS and KS1 Literacy Curriculums to be inclusive for Non-Verbal children
1,989 signatures
Do not restrict vape flavours
1,889 signatures
RAAC Homeowners Justice: National Fund, Legislative Reform & Public Inquiry Now!
1,827 signatures
Include Wales in the Union Flag
1,814 signatures
Shorten residency period for undocumented migrants to apply to regularise status
1,800 signatures
Lower the English language test exemption age for BNO visa holders from 65 to 60
1,746 signatures
Allow conjugal visits for prisoners in England and Wales
1,741 signatures
Introduce the mandatory neutering of cats by 6 months of age.
1,723 signatures
Reverse the Tax Treatment of Double Cab Pickup Trucks in the 2024 Autumn Budget
1,709 signatures
Investigate the claims of £22 Billion black hole
1,702 signatures
Ban higher car insurance premiums for over 70s based on age
1,658 signatures
Ensure all the press is regulated by a Press Recognition Panel approved body
1,622 signatures
Provide funding to preserve and protect cemeteries around the UK.
1,582 signatures
Bring back capital punishment for the rape of a child
1,576 signatures
Referendum on illegal migration.
1,563 signatures
Protect Railway Workers Against Violent Crime
1,556 signatures
Improve statutory paternity leave in the UK to better support families.
1,553 signatures
Review the enforcement policy guidance for LAs to protect mobile home owners.
1,533 signatures
Review the police response to assaults on mental health nurses
1,496 signatures
Cap of £10,000 per individual donor to political parties
1,496 signatures
Negotiate a youth mobility scheme with the EU
1,476 signatures
Establish Complaints Commission for Social Care, Health, Education & Benefits
1,445 signatures
Direct the UKHSA to monitor COVID infections that occur in particular settings.
1,440 signatures
Stop road tax on zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) from 2025
1,401 signatures
Ban the wearing of face-coverings during marches and protests
1,363 signatures
Regulate lifeguard provision and require them to use coloured flags
1,343 signatures
Devolve The Crown Estate In Wales
1,316 signatures
Reform the Dangerous Dogs Act (DDA) 1991: keep the public safe
1,280 signatures
Compensate people excluded from Government COVID support schemes
1,268 signatures
Fund more training for police in dog control matters.
1,268 signatures
Review the Access to Work Scheme
1,264 signatures
End the Safety Valve programme and provide funding to cover SEND deficits
1,243 signatures
Drivers who hit cats in their car should stop and take the cat to a vet
1,241 signatures
Extend parental bereavement leave after the loss of a child.
1,236 signatures
Introduce breeder licences, a dog database & harsher punishments for dog abuse
1,205 signatures
Cap all property management fees and service charges
1,200 signatures
Reduce council tax by 50% for single persons
1,199 signatures
Referendum on whether to abolish the Welsh Parliament
1,187 signatures
Archie’s Army Law - Rights for parents with a child in critical care by injury
1,170 signatures
Require dating apps to ensure ID and DBS checks on users & ban violent offenders
1,164 signatures
Debate NetZero policy so UK gas production isn’t replaced with foreign imports.
1,128 signatures
Lower the age that someone can be considered a victim of domestic abuse
1,119 signatures