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Open petitions

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1,216 petitions

  1. Legislate against reselling or giving up young puppies/kittens to a third party

    119 signatures

  2. Make the state pension the same as the minimum wage for a full time worker

    119 signatures

  3. Set limits on the length of lane closures for roadworks

    119 signatures

  4. Make autism training mandatory for teachers in schools to help understanding

    119 signatures

  5. Declare a state of emergency to prioritise climate action

    119 signatures

  6. Introduce whole life tariffs for under 18s who commit murder

    118 signatures

  7. Review how the legal system and police treat abuse cases

    117 signatures

  8. Raise help to buy ISA threshold to up to £350,000 (or up to £550,000 in London)

    117 signatures

  9. Incorporate the UNCRDP into domestic law and appoint a Secretary of State

    115 signatures

  10. Make it illegal for the media to shame victims of romance fraud

    114 signatures

  11. Keep Local Government LOCAL. Stop plans for county scale unitary authorities.

    114 signatures

  12. End public funding for faith schools

    114 signatures

  13. Allow Ukrainians who are disabled to apply for immediate ILR

    114 signatures

  14. Stop the roll out and use of trusted digital identity services

    112 signatures

  15. Fund free regular prescriptions for mental health patients

    111 signatures

  16. Hold a referendum on the abolition of the monarchy.

    108 signatures

  17. Social Service visits for at risk children to be unannounced. Child must be seen

    108 signatures

  18. Cap cost of food and pet food prices

    108 signatures

  19. Ban sunbed use due to health risks + the large cost to the NHS from skin cancers

    108 signatures

  20. Fund screening for cytomegalovirus (CMV) in pregnancy and further research.

    106 signatures

  21. Prevent the prosecution of veterans for historical offences.

    106 signatures

  22. Create an NHS staff recruitment agency

    106 signatures

  23. Require online account deletion to be simple and clear

    105 signatures

  24. Abolish the House of Lords

    105 signatures

  25. Make suicide awareness mandatory for all secondary schools and sixth forms

    103 signatures

  26. Cap car insurance prices

    103 signatures

  27. Require drivers to retake their driving test at age 60.

    103 signatures

  28. Require voters to use pens when voting

    102 signatures

  29. Change rules around royal taxation

    102 signatures

  30. Make it illegal to smoke on hospital grounds

    101 signatures

  31. Make Shared Ownership and Social Housing eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme

    101 signatures

  32. Review the tax system

    100 signatures

  33. Spend more money on research into the effects of vaping.

    100 signatures

  34. Do not seek closer ties with the EU

    99 signatures

  35. Prohibit gambling on the timing and/or outcome of elections

    99 signatures

  36. Establishment of Minimum Standards for Student Housing

    98 signatures

  37. Save Our High Streets Fairness for Small Businesses protect tenants from (PDRs)

    96 signatures

  38. Change foreign policy so the UK is neutral and not aligned with the West

    96 signatures

  39. Protect our freedoms: Ban facial recognition of public

    95 signatures

  40. Require schools to allow children to use the toilet at all times

    95 signatures

  41. Make it illegal across the country to park on and obstruct the pavement.

    94 signatures

  42. Review the criminal justice system.

    94 signatures

  43. Require all civil servants to work in the office 5 days a week

    94 signatures

  44. Introduce 20% maximum commission rate for private hire (ride hailing companies)

    93 signatures

  45. Ban smoking and vaping in public spaces

    93 signatures

  46. Require local referenda when introducing new unitary and strategic authorities

    92 signatures

  47. Allow those on 5-year ILR route to combine time spent on all eligible visas

    92 signatures

  48. Replace the House of Lords with a new, half-elected, term-limited upper house

    92 signatures

  49. Legislate to make identity theft a specific criminal offence.

    92 signatures

  50. Develop an official written Constitution in the UK

    92 signatures

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